


Gate Tags:

Electronic gate tags are issued from the Marina Office.  There is a charge of $30.00 per tag. If tags are lost or not returned at the conclusion of the lease, Marina Management reserves the right to charge credit cards $100.00 penalty per security tag.  For short term leases (1 to 7 day stays) one tag will be issued.  Security tags give access to pier gates, showers, toilets and laundry.


All vessels wishing to plug into power need a current NZ Electrical Warrant of Fitness (this is to be sighted by Marina staff) and the shore power cable needs to be tested, tagged (clearly visible), and current within the last 12 months.  For long-term clients, readings are taken each month and invoiced monthly.  For short-term stays, the reading will be taken at the conclusion of the lease and must be paid prior to departing the Marina.


24 hour Gull floating dock located inside the western rock breakwater at the Marina entrance, which consists of 2 diesel pumps with booms and 2 diesel pumps with a 30m hose reel.  Gull Marine diesel is widely recognised as the highest quality marine diesel.  Berth owners can apply for a fuel card from Gull otherwise EFTPOS and MasterCard/Visa credit cards are accepted (pin required).

Hiring Contractors:

When employing a contractor to work on your vessel it is the boats owners’ responsibility to ensure that they are dealing with a certified tradesman and that the boat and contractor are insured. The contractor must complete a short induction before commencing any work, details of which can be found here.


Mooring lines are the responsibility of the boat owner,  lines are normally provided with the berth and therefore belong to the berth owner.  Please do not alter these lines, if renting lines are provided.


Water is drinkable, to avoid tainted water please use your own hoses and not the fire hoses for drinking.  Please remember to turn off the water valves and hoses.  Currently there is no charge for water, however, this is subject to change in the future.


There are a number of trolleys available throughout the marina.  Please be considerate of others and return trolleys to the entrance of the pier after use.

Showers and Toilets:

Available at the Marina office for berth owners and visitors to the marina.


Washing Machine: requires 2 x $2.00 coins per load.

Dryer: requires 1 x $2.00 coin per load.  Change is available from Marina office.


Rubbish and recycle bins are located at the entrance to all pier gates.  Please allocate rubbish to the correct coloured bins and break cardboard  boxes down before leaving them in bins.

  • Blue – Cardboard
  • Green – Cardboard
  • Yellow – Recycling
  • Red – General

 Waste Oil:

A container located in the boat yard area at The Landing is available.  For more information ask the marina office.  Please note oil must be uncontaminated (no diesel please).


Facilities currently under maintenance.

Car Parking:

Berth owners are requested to park vehicles in the front row along the car park deck.  All visitors must remember to park on the second row back or use the Pay and Display machines.


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Berth enquiry